Thursday 29 November 2012

Mistie's christmas gifts!

Helo Jammers! It's MistyMooo here!

I have been thinking about Christmas and some of the jammers,that I want to give a gift to my followers of the blog.Unfortunately..I have none so I basically write to myself every time I post something... :/
Anyway I am giving some Christmas gifts to some of my best jammers...

Heres a hint...The first one is SnowyClaw who recently got in touch with Jelly Tot but sadly Jelly tot got ill,plus his parents banned him on AJ!!!! Oh well...

Have a happy Christmas and remember Keep safe in the dark wear bright stuff :)

1 comment:

  1. 4101LEAPPRAEDSPIOATWA- Hi,I visited your blog and I think it's EPIC!Way better than mine How do you guys get it to look like that?
